NEVER AGAIN IS NOW I grew up in Israel, and like most other citizens, at 18 became a soldier. When it was my turn to defend the people, the state, and its symbols, I fought in a number of wars. I have never shared what I saw as a soldier, but in the wake of… Continue reading BEING A SOLIDER IN THE IDF IN TIMES OF CONFLICT

Stabbing in Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn NYC – Ryan Carson Case Study

Ryan Carson, a 32-year-old activist residing in Brooklyn, met a tragic end when he fell victim to another fatal stabbing in Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn. He was murdered in a senseless act by a stranger who took offense to Ryan merely looking in his direction, and trying to calm him down as he kicked a motorcycle parked… Continue reading Stabbing in Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn NYC – Ryan Carson Case Study

Time for Forgiveness, Self-Reflection, and Redemption

Today we observe Yom Kippur, a significant day in the Jewish calendar that marks the culmination of the Days of Awe or Days of Repentance. In tradition, Yom Kippur serves as a time of deep self-reflection and introspection, as per Jewish tradition. On this day, we believe that our actions and deeds from the past… Continue reading Time for Forgiveness, Self-Reflection, and Redemption

Krav Maga is a necessity, a Legacy and a Tool

A Reminder of History and the Commitment to Prevent Its Repetition: Krav Maga as a Legacy and Tool A couple of days ago I read in the New York Times that in recent years there has been a troubling resurgence of neo-Nazism. Neo-Nazi groups in Germany and across Europe have attempted to co-opt martial arts as a… Continue reading Krav Maga is a necessity, a Legacy and a Tool

Why Martial Arts Schools Swear by Uniforms, and Why It’s Important

The Power of Uniformity: Why Martial Arts Schools Swear by Uniforms, and Why It’s Important In our world of diverse cultures and unique identities, it’s fascinating to explore the many ways in which communities forge their distinctive sense of self. From countries and regions down to neighborhoods and even households, each pocket of society holds… Continue reading Why Martial Arts Schools Swear by Uniforms, and Why It’s Important

9-11-2001 Never Again

Never again 9/11 On September 11th, 2001, the world changed forever. Anyone of us who was living at that time can remember where we were when the news hit. It was clear that it wasn’t just “another disaster”; it wasn’t a force of nature that was bigger than us all. It was a great evil… Continue reading 9-11-2001 Never Again

Will AI Make Us More Violent?

AI is starting to become integrated into our daily lives; in every activity, subject and industry. At this point in time, we have excitement over the technology’s rapid advancement and the time it saves over lengthy tasks. But everything comes with a price. When we start realizing how expensive the price is, it may be… Continue reading Will AI Make Us More Violent?

The Irreplaceable Human Touch: Why AI Can’t Replace Krav Maga

AI (artificial intelligence) is the latest news. It helps many individuals complete projects much faster and often at a higher level than they could do so independently. Undoubtedly, it will help keep costs down for many businesses as production increases and the need for physical manpower decreases. On the other hand, many friends of mine… Continue reading The Irreplaceable Human Touch: Why AI Can’t Replace Krav Maga

Back to Yourself is Going Backwards

In the journey of life, one thing remains certain: change. From the moment we take our first breath to the last, we are in a constant state of flux. I often hear people say, “I want to get back to myself,” I am tired of being in a setback and not being able to move.… Continue reading Back to Yourself is Going Backwards

If You Fight With a Crazy Person, You Already Lost.

In recent years, violence in New York City public transportation has become an increasingly frequent phenomenon, leaving many people feeling disempowered, scared, and helpless. Again and again, I receive emails from students or random people who seek advice about what to do when witnessing or being a part of a violent situation. Last week, I… Continue reading If You Fight With a Crazy Person, You Already Lost.