Krav Maga Experts Training & Self Defense Classes in New York City


Can You Win a Fight Against a Bigger Attacker?

How to Outsmart a Bigger Attacker: Krav Maga’s Key Strategies for Victory

Before you continue to read this – I don’t have a magical answer to this question. 

The internet is brimming with videos promising shortcuts to success, with titles like “How to win every fight,” or “Never do x y z,” and “You must do THIS to win every fight!” There are countless suggestions of quick and easy ways to achieve a remarkable and specific outcome to a very uncertain situation. 

The reality is starkly different: there are no shortcuts. It is a long journey that demands hard work. Sadly, outside of the computer screen, there are no promises you will actually win a fight. The only promise I can give you is that you won’t have a good chance without proper training. 

If you resort to fighting, you’ve already lost, at least on a moral level.

Let’s explore how you can stand a chance in a street fight against a larger opponent. It’s a well-known fact that size often gives an advantage, a principle that applies to most animals on our planet. On the mat, under specific rules, defeating someone outside your weight class and skill level is a formidable challenge. Yet, in a genuine self-defense situation, you can have a fighting chance.

Size isn’t the sole factor for survival. If it were, smaller animals wouldn’t stand a chance. Every creature, from animals to plants, possesses unique abilities that aid in their self-preservation against natural predators. These abilities range from venom to extraordinary speed or even protective shells.

Know your “genius zone!” Identifying our own unique strengths is crucial, and recognize that different circumstances call for varying strategies. Some situations may necessitate avoidance, while others demand a more direct approach.

Defining what constitutes a “victory” is also essential, as my teaching isn’t about winning in a “bare-knuckle fighting” sport. I focus on self-defense, which cultivates a distinct mindset.

The cornerstone of fighting is STRATEGY. Engaging in a confrontation without a clear exit plan is hardly a recipe for success. Strategy formulation begins with defining your objective.

The primary goal is to avoid harm. A parallel rule is to “Use your knowledge according to your needs.”

If the objective is to return home for dinner with my children safely, then fleeing danger is an excellent strategy. But what if an attacker targets you while you’re with your children and prevents you from leaving? In such a scenario, you must fight and win.

The objective remains unchanged—safely walking home. However, the approach to achieve this victory might involve actions you’d rather avoid and risks you’d prefer not to take.

Many martial arts instructors proclaim, “Size doesn’t matter!” Yet, it does, except in circumstances where:

– You can surprise your opponent with a strategic strike to a vulnerable area.
– Your skill level significantly surpasses that of your opponent by a lot.
– You are prepared to harm the opponent decisively, understanding that every second is crucial and you won’t procrastinate! 

A smaller size doesn’t mean victory is out of reach; Being smaller will forever remain a disadvantage unless you’re willing to train to overcome this drawback. It simply requires improving and leveraging your strengths, such as speed, and mental resilience, and identifying and exploiting the opponent’s weaknesses. When you focus on distance management, you implement strategies that can help you meet your objective.

There are no shortcuts or magical solutions. Transforming a disadvantage into an advantage takes effort. When asked if it’s possible, I often ask in return, “Do you want it enough?” Because if you do, you’ll do whatever it takes. Ultimately, you will become a reflection of your actions.

Do something amazing,

Tsahi Shemesh

Founder & CEO
Krav Maga Experts 

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