Documentary film that challenges the common narrative that survivors of assault and trauma are forever victims.

“The Power of Krav Maga: Transforming Lives” is a documentary that challenges the common narrative that survivors of assault and trauma are forever victims. Through the stories of a few characters who start practicing Krav Maga, the film aims to demonstrate that it’s possible to overcome adversity and become stronger, more confident individuals.
Over the course of six – eight months, the film will follow those we selected to join this journey as they embark on their Krav Maga journeys, documenting their progress and the changes they experience. From initial evaluations of their self-esteem, body image, confidence, and overall happiness, to their final evaluations after six months of training, the film will showcase the transformative power of Krav Maga.
Krav Maga is a self-defense system that was developed in Israel and is designed to be highly effective in real-world situations. It’s known for improving physical fitness, self-confidence, and mental toughness, making it a powerful tool for personal growth and development. Our documentary will showcase the transformative power of Krav Maga and the positive impact it can have on vicitms’ lives, particularly for those who have survived trauma and are seeking to reclaim their power and confidence.
By showing the journey of a few different people who have overcome adversity and become stronger, more confident individuals through Krav Maga, the film aims to inspire and empower survivors of trauma and assault everywhere. The film will be an inspiring and empowering story of growth, determination, and self-discovery, and we believe it has the potential to make a real difference in people’s lives.
You have the opportunity to be a part of this important and impactful project and help bring this powerful story to life. Your investment will help cover production costs and ensure that the final product is of the highest quality, reaching the widest possible audience and making a positive impact on people’s lives.
I have seen so many survivors of trauma, violence, and abuse who almost gave up and lost their lives show up on the mat and turn their life right side up. They found a way to overcome the pain and turn it into something meaningful. 
Time and time again, I found myself saying aloud, “I wish we recorded the transformation process of this! This would have been a great source of inspiration to others.”  Now it has become my mission to educate to empowerment and self growth.  
Trauma isn’t a story, it’s a narrative.
We are going to change the narrative. We will do this by broadcasting the message that strength is a choice and that survivors of assault and bullying can become their strongest, best selves. 
This is not just a documentary, it’s a call to action.
This is a call to inspire and empower individuals everywhere to take control of their safety and well-being. We can make a powerful impact and change the world one person at a time.
There are many ways to join the team!
  1. We are looking for candidates for the film. Those who are willing to share their physical and emotional transformation on the screen will be considered.
    * No prior training in self-defense
    * Age – 18 – 60 years old
    * Availability to train 3-4 times / week for a course of 6-8 months.
    * Looking to overcome a traumatic experience 
    * Reliable and compelling personality
  2. Donate skills
    Production experience
    * Video
    * Sound
    * Lighting
    * Wild cards?

    * Video editing
    * Color correction
    * Sound design
    * Music
    * Graphic design
  3. Funding
    No donation is too small (or too big!)
    Any amount that will help us make this vision a reality will be greatly appreciated.


    Great news! The film is backed by a registered 501(c)(3) fiscal sponsor which will allow you to make a tax-deductible donation if you so choose. 

    How to donate to this project- 

    1. Zelle any amount to
    2. Please make check donations payable to From the Heart Productions, and indicate on the memo line that the money is for Empower Through Power. Mail your check to:
    From The Heart Productions
    1013 Harbor Ave. #53
    Oxnard, CA 93035

    3.  via Paypal  -use the bottom below. 
Thank you for your attention to my mission.
I can be reached at 
Thank you for making this world into a better place!
Tsahi Shemesh
Founder & CEO
Krav Maga Experts